Hrvatski jezik English language


The Association published a book on positive discrimination by Assistant Professor Ana Horvat Vuković

Added: 07.12.2016, 08:03:03
It is our pleasure to announce that the Association published Regulation of positive discrimination with special emphasis on the example of India, a monograph written by Assistant Professor Ana Horvat Vukovic. This fascinating book discusses the application of reservation model of substantial equality in India. Besides focusing on the example of a country with a particularly long and intriguing...

Professor Smerdel participates in a working meeting at the Office of the President of Republic of Slovenia

Added: 30.11.2016, 14:03:57
Professor Branko Smerdel was invited to a working meeting by the President of the Republic of Slovenia. The meeting, held on 3rd November at the Office of the President, included a presentation of conclusions of a recently published monograph, which was co-authored by Professor Smerdel. More information about the book is available here [].   [Photogr...

A new volume on the institution of the president of the republic, containing a paper by Professor Branko Smerdel

Added: 30.11.2016, 14:03:44
Lex localis and the Institute for constitutional law from Ljubljana, Slovenia have recently published a useful volume, _Constitutional position of the president of the republic_, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. The book provides insight into the position and powers of the institution of the president of the republic from the perspective of a v...

Morality, legitimacy, legality: a book promotion in Osijek

Added: 30.11.2016, 14:03:33
On 14 October the Faculty of Law in Osijek organised the promotion of a book written by Professor Emeritus Zvonimir Lauc, _Morality, legitimacy,legality. _The book was published by the Faculty of Law University of Osijek and contains a collection of papers from the authors rich scholarship. The papers are organised into chapters which are, in turn divided into three large sections. The first on...

Regular Meeting of the Assembly of the Croatian Association for Constitutional Law

Added: 19.10.2015, 13:16:44
On 3 October 2015 members of the Croatian Association for Constitutional Law have gathered for the regular meeting of the Associations Assembly, which was held in the premises of the Faculty of Law University of Rijeka (Hahlić 6). Principal topics of the meeting included the appointment of new members of the Associations governing bodies and the adoption of the Associations new statute, aligne...

Croatian Association for Constitutional Law publishes two new books

Added: 12.01.2015, 11:32:08
In 2014, the Association published two new scientifically and professionally valuable books, continuing its publishing activities that begun in 2011 with the book „_A Developmental Perspective on the Building of the Republic of Croatias Democratic Constitutional Institutions_“ (_Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Project No. 066-0661428-2502, 2007-2011 – selected works_), co-edite...

Meeting of the Assembly of the Croatian Association for Constitutional Law, 14 November 2013

Added: 16.11.2013, 19:07:41
On 14 November 2013, the Assembly of the Croatian Association for Constitutional Law held its regular meeting on the premises of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Trg maršala Tita 3). The session began by the opening remarks of the Associations President Professor Branko Smerdel, PhD. The submitted proposal of the Assemblys order of business was then unanimously adopted. In the first o...


Added: 18.10.2012, 09:19:46
Members of the Croatian Association for Constitutional Law continue to participate at symposia and professional gatherings co-organized by the Association and the Croatian Academy of Science and Art - the following members have contributed their papers at the Symposium titled "Constitutions and democracy: foreign influences and domestic responses", held on 7 December 2011 under the auspices of ...


Added: 18.10.2012, 09:19:42
A regular meeting of the Croatian Association for Constitutional Laws Assembly was held on 28 October 2011, on the premises of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law.  The Assemmblys order of business consisted of the following items: * Submiting and accepting reports on the Associations work during the previous term of office (2009-2011)  (unanimously accepted);  * Election of the ne...

Notification on the regular meeting of the Association's Assembly, Friday, October 28, 2011 in Zagreb

Added: 18.10.2012, 09:19:30
Dear members of the Croatian Association of Constitutional Law, We cordially invite you to the regular meeting of the Associations Assembly, to be held on Friday, October 28, 2011 in Zagreb. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Trg Maršala Tita 3, with the following order of business: a)      Submission and acceptance of the Report on the funct...